Petice za obnovení vydání dlouhodobých víz pro rodinné příslušníky

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Answers for the petition for the renewal of visa agenda

2020-06-05 14:37:11

Dear friends!

I have received answers from all the ministries the petition was sent to. Unfortunately, there is no clear information about the date when consulates of Czech Republic will reopen in particular countries. Minister for Foreign Affairs Tomáš Petříček, who is responsible for this issue, claims that they follow the epidemic situation in all the states and if the situation is favorable, they renew visa agendas in these regions.

As you probably know, we can follow the news on the Ministry for Foreign Affairs page. Today, they have published information, that visa services in Bangkok, Beirut, Nur-Sultan, Tbilisi and Tirana will be partially re-opened on June, 8th. Let us hope that our countries soon will be on this list as well.

Take care! And let us believe that we all see our dearest in the near future.

Anna Agapova

Anna Agapova

Petition sent to the authorities

2020-04-29 13:50:07

Dear friends!

Let me inform you about the status of the petition for the renewal of issiung long-term visas for family members. Today I have sent this petition along with your signatures by registered mail to the Minister of Health Mgr. et Mgr. Adam Vojtěch, the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mgr. Tomáš Petříček, Ph.D., the Prime-Minister Ing. Andrej Babiš as well as to the Senator from Foreign Committee Ing. Petr Beitl. I hope that within 30 days we shall get an official answer from either of them. I shall keep you informed.

Take care and let us hope for the best.


Anna Agapova

Anna Agapova

Confirmation of signature

2020-04-26 15:50:01

Dear friends!

Some of you have unconfirmed signatures. In order to confirm them, please, find in your mailbox a mail from and click the link. It is completely safe.

Take care!

Anna Agapova

Anna Agapova

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