Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-02 19:33

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-02 19:33

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-02 19:33

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186704 Re:

2023-01-02 19:37

#186687: -  

        Padělek od samého začátku. 

   Tunel existoval dřív, než banka.  Jako obvykle.

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-02 20:12

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-02 20:13

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-02 20:13

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-02 20:13

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-02 20:13

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-02 20:13

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-02 20:13

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-03 01:25

Fialu je třeba dostat od válu, stůj co stůj! ✌️

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-03 01:30



#186714 Re:

2023-01-03 02:02

#186662: -  


Karel Kryl (1968): V mrazivé parádě kožených křesel sešli se k poradě výrobci hesel.

Opět aktuální.

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-03 02:07

Víte, jak vypadá opravdový populismus?! Když premiér země, která je 30 let zcela samostatná, vykladá občanům, že chudoba znamená respekt a bída sebevědomí. Když premiér země, která vždy byla mostem přátelství mezi východem a západem, vykládá občanům, že politika, kterou nás do této války nejen ekonomicky, ale i fakticky zatáhl, je pro naše dobro. Když premiér země, která vždy byla proslulá svojí diplomacií, vykládá občanům, že naší prioritou je armáda. Když premiér země, která ve většinově státním podniku vyrábí a vyváží elektřinu, aby ji pak nakupovala draze de facto zpět, vykládá občanům, že netopením a nesvícením ukazují svoji zodpovědnost. Když premiér, kterému se dnešním dnem zvedl plat o desítky tisíc korun, vykládá občanům, že se nemají bát požádat si o dávky.

Ano, tak vypadá populismus.

To nebyl projev, to byla CHVÁLA VLASTNÍ NESCHOPNOSTI!

To je drzost, jakou neměli ani komunisti...

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-03 06:43

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186717 Re:

2023-01-03 09:17

#186716: -  

 Máš to spočítaný. 


#186718 Fialova protičeská hrůzovláda to v EU zařídila...

2023-01-03 09:34

Jsem si jistý, že občané, kteří pořídili před třemi lety za sto litrů na tlak EU kondenzační eurokotel, budou celí žhaví cálovat dalších čtyři sta litrů za překopání topení na tepelná čerpadla, aby nemuseli platit emisní povolenky. :D

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-03 09:42

Plzeň: cigánsko - ukrajinské ghetto. Totální odpad.

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-03 09:44

Fiala dostali od EU pochvalu jak krásně zvládl povel k noze a lehni.


Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186721 Re:

2023-01-03 10:05

#186720: -  

 EU vede Evropu klackem do neštěstí.

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186722 Re: Re:

2023-01-03 10:10

#186717: - Re:  

 Už jen 64 dnů tě budou platit za lumpárny.

Pak už tě budou platit za nic. 

Pořád se to vyplatí.

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-03 10:32

    Zateplovat, zateplovat, zateplovat. 

     Když to nepomůže, zateplovat dál.

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-03 11:53

No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It's the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-03 11:53

Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he'll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he's astray
Keeps on going anyway...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I