Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 16:39

   Kladu si otázku, proč zelení tolik usilují o to, aby elektřina byla drahá. 

    Relevantní důvod neexistuje.

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 18:57

No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It's the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 18:58

Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he'll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he's astray
Keeps on going anyway...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 18:58

Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more
Than confetti on the floor
It's the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we'll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine..

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 18:58

I hear the door-bell ring and suddenly the panic takes me
The sound so ominously tearing through the silence
I cannot move, I'm standing
Numb and frozen
Among the things I love so dearly
The books, the paintings and the furniture
Help me.

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 18:59

The signal's sounding once again and someone tries the door-knob
None of my friends would be so stupidly impatient
And they don't dare to come here
Anymore now
But how I loved our secret meetings
We talked and talked in quiet voices

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 18:59

Now I hear them moving
Muffled noises coming through the door
I feel I'm
Crackin' up
Voices growing louder, irritation building
And I'm close to fainting
Crackin' up

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 18:59

These walls have witnessed all the anguish of humiliation
And seen the hope of freedom glow in shining faces
And now they've come to take me
Come to break me
And yet it isn't unexpected
I have been waiting for these visitors
Help me...

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 19:00

They must know by now I'm in here trembling
In a terror evergrowing
Crackin' up
My whole world is falling, going crazy
There is no escaping now, I'm
Crackin' up

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 19:41

Přeji České republice, aby si ke svým kulatinam nadělila prezidenta, za kterého se nebude muset stydět

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186836 Podepusuji !

2023-01-04 19:44

Výzva Andreji Babišovi k odstoupení z prezidentských voleb

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186837 Podepusuji !

2023-01-04 20:34

Výzva Petru Pavlovi k odstoupení z prezidentských voleb

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186838 Podepusuji !

2023-01-04 20:35

Výzva Danuši Nerudové k odstoupení z prezidentských voleb

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:11

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:12

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:12

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:12

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:12

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:12

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:12

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:12

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to trandul welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Long Live the Naruhito Akihito Jigme Senghe Jigme Khesar Harald Haakon Carl Gustaf Viktoria Margarethe Frederik Beatrix Willem Alexander Charles William

Forever young John Paul George Ringo Maurice Barry Robin Benny Bjorn Frida Agnetha

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:13

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:13

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:13

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2023-01-04 21:13

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!