Otevřený dopis lékařů vládě, parlamentu a médiím ohledně tzv. koronavirové krize

Mike Praha 3

/ #13

2021-12-01 14:06

What will it take before you the doctors stop complaining? Did you start a clinical study/trial to prove that the Covid is or is not infectious? No. What are you talking about? I can go to the alternate helth professional and ask for clensing (očistu) and he/she knows exactly what I am talking about. I know ever since I was a kid that the cold or the flu is not infectious. Whath are you scared of? Yourselves? Politicians? None of you doctors can stick your professional neck out and say that you do not recommend this or that vaccine? Who needs you, doctors? I would not care to debate you. The people will figure out how to stay healthy. Meanwhile you the doctors scream viróza, viróza and cannot see that the virus is dead organic tissue that cannot create problems unless it is injected and gets into the bloodstream while the body has difficulty getting rid of it. How many of you have injected babies with so called anti-viral vaccine? Stand down, doctors

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