Petice proti obsazení resortu školství Jihočeského kraje KSČM
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Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#3301 Re: my sme ti studenti ti od toho rosochy naseho vúdce2013-01-10 17:11#3298: - my sme ti studenti ti od toho rosochy naseho vúdce Soudruhu, neumím sice s vidličkou a nožem ... ale Ty zkus to stejné neposílat dvakrát, tolik legrace je až moc:-))) |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#3302 Re: Re: Re: Blamáž komunistické baby .2013-01-10 18:57#3275: - Re: Re: Blamáž komunistické baby . Copak jste od studentíka Hořejšího čekal něco chytřejšího? To jste neměl. Je to ubožáček, který se chtěl zviditelnit tím, že se vetřel do kanceláře pana hejtmana, kde z něj stejně nic chytrého nevypadlo, tak alespoň zapózoval před objektivem fotografů, což mu trošičku zaručilo malililinkatou slávu mezi vrsteníky. Pokud ho někdo obdivuje, je stejný hlupák jako Hořejší. Hořejší má průjem z třešní, my zase z Hořejšího. |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#3303 how to hack facebook account how to hack facebook account very easily how to hack facebook account w2013-01-10 23:25{To provide a|Use a|To supply a|To give a} {little|small|tiny|minor|very little|minimal|modest|bit of|smaller|bit|compact|small amount of|little bit of|tad|little bit|limited|minimal amount of|tiny bit|simple|hardly any|not much|very small|young|smallish|little|small-scale|almost no|a small amount of|trivial|slight|special|tiny little|not so big|no|certain degree of|small bit of|few|small amount|short|minuscule} {motivation|determination|inspiration|enthusiasm|drive|commitment|desire|willingness|incentive|reason|stimulus|persistence|ideas|encouragement|inducement|creativity|sense of purpose|motive|effort|catalyst|bonus|impetus|idea|motivator|self-discipline|dedication|the drive|ambition|intention|motivating yourself|prize|perseverance|gumption|compensate|compensation|pay back|contemplation|benefit|willpower} {into|in to|directly into|straight into|in|within|towards|right into|inside|straight to|to|down into|easily into|directly onto|interested in|inside of|in line with|firmly into|back into|on|hooked on|onto|straight into the|at|on to|through|to make|involved in|with|in accordance with|in keeping with|based on|involved with|into your|throughout|entering|according to|keen on|for|directly} {why you should|why you need to|why you ought to|for you to|why should you|why you must|when you|good reasons to|reasons to|to|just how|why should you consider|marketing and advertising|figures, benefits|advertising|think about|advertising and marketing|we're going to|right now|my own review of|check out|look at the new|the latest kindle 3g|the brand new|my personal|this is my|overview of|unit|we will|purchasing the|today|the advantages of|a no cost} {be|end up being|become|always be|possibly be|often be|turn out to be|get|wind up being|end up|come to be|remain|indeed be|you should be|seem|stay|happen to be|be more|generally be|just be|quite possibly be|prove to be|sometimes be|choose to be|continually be|try to be|be particularly|make|grow to be|be very|find yourself|feel|turn into|wind up|automatically be|wind up as|nevertheless be|develop into|be a little more|becoming} {diligent|persistent|thorough|careful|conscientious|hardworking|rigorous|prompt|mindful} {on this|about this|with this|for this|within this|during this|in this particular|on that|on this subject|using this|on this particular|on the|in such a|regarding this|through this|from this|within the|at this|concerning this|inside of this|to this|with this particular|in this|on our|in that|off this|relating to this|inside this|about it|this particular|using this type of|inside|because of this|about|within|just for this|throughout this|regarding} {topic|subject|matter|subject matter|theme|issue|niche|area|content|field|question|area of interest|concept|problem|idea|situation|concern|topic area|topic|article|market|study|round|product|point|chosen issue|industry|subject matter matter|focus||make a difference|make any difference|topic matter|keyword phrase|subject material|economic climate|can be|material}, {as I said|as mentioned|like i said previously|like i said} {earlier|previously|before|previous|sooner|prior|early on|preceding|early|past|first|much earlier|quicker|earlier on|former|beginning|in the past|formerly|beforehand|faster|above|younger|very early|at an earlier time|older|recently|quick|original|ahead of time|prior to|just before|youthful|in advance|premature|originally|ahead of|recent|quickly|until now|old} {the goal|the aim|the thing|desire to|the target|the objective|the idea|make certain|be sure you are|be sure you're|every night .|every single|will be the best|as you have probably|obtaining the|very best|you are getting the|receiving the|you need to|you're properly rested .|as it can be|to become|you'd like|you want|as is possible .|get a dark|on your lawn .|for the|you are able to|deep|attain|you want to achieve|the objective with your|for your|acquire} {is to get|is to buy|is to find|is|is to purchase|is to become|is to obtain|is to|is to be|would be to buy|would be to|is to use|is to have|would be to get} {your information|your data|your details|the information you have|the information|details} {or|or even|or perhaps|as well as|or maybe|and also|or simply|or possibly|and / or|and|and even|or just|or alternatively|or perhaps even|or else|or sometimes|in addition to|or perhaps a|or even a|or maybe a|alternatively|otherwise|along with|possibly|and / or maybe|also|or possibly a|or it may be|maybe|also known as|perhaps|or a|as well|on the other hand|together with|nor|and for|aka|to|plus} {pretend to|make believe you} {be|end up being|become|always be|possibly be|often be|turn out to be|get|wind up being|end up|come to be|remain|indeed be|you should be|seem|stay|happen to be|be more|generally be|just be|quite possibly be|prove to be|sometimes be|choose to be|continually be|try to be|be particularly|make|grow to be|be very|find yourself|feel|turn into|wind up|automatically be|wind up as|nevertheless be|develop into|be a little more|becoming} {you to|you to definitely|one to|that you|someone to|anyone to|yourself to|you to ultimately|you|people to|a person to|want you to|to|consumers to|that you simply|that you definitely|one|your business to|certainly|that you just|1|absolutely|undoubtedly|you to|which you|for you to|surely|one to definitely|everyone to|1 to|a person to definitely|a single|players to|one particular|unquestionably|an individual to|a single to|you to definitely definitely|your services to|want you to definitely} {make money|earn money|generate income|generate profits|earn cash|earn a living|generate an income|make cash|make a profit|earn an income|become profitable|generate a profit|make real money|earn money from home|make more money|create wealth|earn income|be profitable|earn more money|build an income|make money from home|make money online|cash in|turn a profit|do very well|make an income|profit|earn|earn a paycheck|make a living|generate|cash|earn their fortune}. {It is the|It's the|Oahu is the|It does not take|It will be the|This is the|Is it doesn't|It's|This is basically the|Simple fact is that|Is|In your|Content material||Pertains to|That is the|It is|Stands out as the|Consider|This system|It is the|This is actually the|It does not|This course is the|This product|It doesn't|This doesn't|It is simply the|Carry|Bring|Acquire|Get|It follows|Yet it applies to|Essentially|Uses|Prior|Concerns|However it|Basically} {way|method|approach|means|technique|manner|strategy|option|process|solution|course of action|manner in which|tactic|procedure|path|method by which|means by which|route|system|style|fashion|opportunity|direction|manner by which|far|mode|much|way in which|alternative|road|avenue|manner of how|course|choice|plan|journey|concept|idea|ways|best way} {they do|they are doing|they actually do|they certainly|they generally do|they actually|they|they will|they certainly do|they will do|each one does|they can|they're doing|they greatly|have|they undoubtedly|they perform|they are|they can do|really|they did|that may|cause you to be|available in almonds .|found|which makes|present in|that triggers|definitely|performing|that they do|they definitely|they generally|the broker does|actually|truly|carrying out|they surely|each service does|undoubtedly} {it|this|that|the idea|the item|them|it all|the application|it again|the software|doing it|the situation|the following|the product|this task|keep in mind this|that it|this situation|getting this done|it then|they|it also|understand it|which it|this method|this item|the program|this can|the device|who's|which|this tool|everything|it's|the problem|so it|this particular|the concept|this kind of|in which} {that requires|that needs|that will require|that will need|that really needs|that has to have|pots|that would need|which requires|worth considering|that needs your attention|need|requiring|that calls for|requirements|which needs|that|in which|which|that would like|that demands} {you to|you to definitely|one to|that you|someone to|anyone to|yourself to|you to ultimately|you|people to|a person to|want you to|to|consumers to|that you simply|that you definitely|one|your business to|certainly|that you just|1|absolutely|undoubtedly|you to|which you|for you to|surely|one to definitely|everyone to|1 to|a person to definitely|a single|players to|one particular|unquestionably|an individual to|a single to|you to definitely definitely|your services to|want you to definitely} {be cautious|be mindful|be aware|use caution|take care|be careful|watch out|be thoughtful|be extremely careful|see to it|beware|take it easy|keep your eyes peeled|be attentive|be wary|take extra care|conscious} {not only|not just|not merely|not simply|but not only|besides|don't just|not alone|but not just|don't merely|as well as|doesn't just|more than simply|not necessarily just|simply|merely|not necessarily|basically|do not just|not just simply|not only|just|more than merely|not just for|will not only|does not just|only|in addition to|simply just|not really|not|and not only|don't simply|don't only|not really just|also|generally|purely|essentially|not only for} {for yourself|on your own|yourself|by yourself|for your self|for you|for your own benefit|for your own|for your own use|through your own efforts|for your own behalf|personally|by thinking through yourself|independently|of your own|off the web|onesel {Emails|Email messages|E-mail|E-mails|Messages|Electronic mails|E-mail messages|Email addresses|Postings|E-mail addresses|Mail messages|Email|An email|E mail|Electronic mail|Emails to all|Writing emails|All emails|An email to everyone|Contact information|Mails|E mails|Communications} {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then|coupled with|combined with|and therefore|or|also|and thus|and in addition|and so|and furthermore|and consequently|then|as well as the|and as a result|and simply|and moreover|as well as ,|and as well ,|and as a consequence|but|to|and as well as|so|and / or|additionally|but also|in addition to the|furthermore|in addition|and after that} {passwords|security passwords|account details|accounts|bookmarks} {are|tend to be|are usually|are generally|usually are|will be|happen to be|are actually|can be|really are|seem to be|are really|are typically|may be|have proven to be|might be|are unquestionably|will most certainly be|have been|are undoubtedly|actually are|are often|will definitely be|are probably|are almost always|continue to be|would be|end up being|have always been|unquestionably are|is|are already|may very well be|could be|should be|are perhaps|become|have become|generally|'re} {another|an additional|one more|yet another|a different|a further|one other|some other|an alternative|a second|one additional|an extra|the next|a new|an alternate|the other|one|additional|other|still another|the opposite|one particular|1|extra|just one more|a single|much more|1 more|different|an added|a lot more|various other|another one|one another|one major|a few other|far more|further|a|yet} {huge|large|massive|enormous|big|substantial|significant|tremendous|great|vast|giant|sizeable|major|immense|considerable|gigantic|very big|colossal|very large|extensive|amazing|incredible|huge|mammoth|monumental|fantastic|whopping|awesome|monstrous|sizable|remarkable|serious|important|wide|outstanding|quite large|grand|a huge|titanic|good sized} {way to|method to|approach to|strategy to|solution to|technique to|option to|way for you to|route to|tactic to|process to|method|path to|means by which to|procedure to|means to|technique|ways to|approach|strategy|system to|methods to|solution|remedy to|answer to|alternative to|answer|method of|secret to|tactic|resource to|procedure|road to|journey to|resolution to|process|program to|system|remedy|way of} {protect|safeguard|guard|shield|defend|secure|preserve|take care of|give protection to|look after|offer protection to|provide protection to|maintain|shelter|care for|sustain|save|keep|help safeguard|help to protect|cover|watch over|insure|provide help to|conserve|retain|prevent|protect|help||give protection|fight for|handle|guards|deal with|products|continue to keep|hold|do not|include} {you|a person|an individual|anyone|you actually|people|everyone|one|you will|most people|you'll|that you|you really|individuals|someone|we|yourself|you and your family|somebody|your family|your business|the individual|customers|your company|users|buyers|you may|you can|a person will|anybody|you might|the public|shoppers|your|your organization|clients|families||your entire family|then you}. {The key|The important thing|The main element|The true secret|The real key|One of the keys|The crucial element|The main factor|The magic formula|The crucial|The important|The secret|The answer|The trick|The key ingredient|The main|The most important|The key factors|The primary|The most crucial|Key|The cornerstone|The principle|The main aspect|The secrets|The essential|The clue|Essential|The top|Crucial key elements|The actual key|Quite|The leading|Critical|The best|Crucial|Giving her a very|The main thing|The chief|} {here is|here's|the following is|this is|we have found|at this point is|suggestions|is|recommendations|let me suggest|obtain|and here is|let me reveal|here i will discuss|listed below is|right here is|totally free|this really is|tips|check out|here are|another excellent way to|hererrrs|bit of good news|there is|extra|discover|find out|the following|about|we have found is|generally at google .|this can be|an enormous mistake concerning|typically|an additional important|one more|understand|a massive|significant} {to use as|for} {many|numerous|several|a lot of|quite a few|lots of|countless|a number of|a large number of|various|plenty of|a great number of|most|a great many|a good number of|some|a variety of|a great deal of|loads of|a lot|the majority of|a wide range of|scores of|so many|a large amount of|many people|nearly all|plenty|a multitude of|more and more|a wide selection of|a lot of people|multiple|lots|almost all|many|a large number|a few|tons of|different} {difference|distinction|variation|big difference|change|variance|main difference|significant difference|improvement|impact|major difference|differentiation|discrepancy|positive change|disparity|contrast|difference between the two|dissimilarity|massive difference|divergence|gap|deviation|differences between the two|cost|price tag|effect|big|factor|differences|large|alteration|alternative|huge|transformation|price|selling price|large difference|huge difference|selling price difference|discrepancy in price} {passwords|security passwords|account details|accounts|bookmarks} {as possible|as you possibly can|as you can|as is possible|as it can be|as they can|as is feasible|as feasible|as they possibly can|as is practical|as they can be|that you can|that they can|as it possibly can|as you're able|as can be|as you can be|since you can|as it can|as humanly possible|as we can|it can be|as you're able to|it may possibly be|possible|as it could be|as i can|as you|and often|as we possibly can|as i possibly can|potentially|probably|while you|since you can easily|perhaps|maybe can|it could|quite possibly|you are able to} {and try|and check out|and attempt|and check|and then try|and try out} {not to|to not|never to|to never|not to ever|to not ever|don't|to fail to|this is not to|will not|by no means|because of this|in no way|never|by no means to|do not|be unable to|by way of the|via the|due to this cause|among the|never ever|certainly not to|not to|to be able to|under no circumstances|not|never ever to|certainly not|to prevent|you shouldn't|in order to|tune|in no way to|at any time|never to ever|you should not} {use the|make use of the|utilize the|utilize|makes use of the|take advantage of the|operate the|work with the|use a|make use of|develop|build|operate using the|utilise the|employ the|take advantage of|create a savings fund|try the|utilise|use any|outfit|apply the|apparel|use this|use|from the|employ|with the|leverage the|use the|develop the|in the|makes use of|halloween party|attire|take|pulling .|use an|benefit from|dress-up costume} {same|exact same|identical|very same|similar|exact|same exact|equivalent|comparable|equal|precise same|matching|very|corresponding|the exact same|precise|common|extremely|the same|really|actual same|quite|same thing|related|incredibly same|said|aforementioned|rrdentical|the precise same|specific same|quite same|specific|existing|very same thing|duplicate|old|exactly the same|incredibly|alike|actual} {one|1|a single|one particular|just one|a person|an individual|a particular|you|a|single|at least one|only one|one single|definitely one|someone|one|a single one|just one particular|person|individual|specific|some|unique|another|certain|a specific|a good|distinct|one of them|one in particular||solitary|an|anyone|type|i|a person particular|particular|it} {twice|two times|2 times|double|a second time|twofold|again|more than once|a few different times|instances|occasions|multiple|a couple of times|once more|2x|several|2|on two|increase|two|moments|a few times}. {This can|This could|This may|This will|This tends to|This could certainly|This will likely|This could possibly|This would|This can easily|Can easily|This will often|This might|It will|This could easily|This may easily|Is likely to|This will probably|This is going to|Could|Will likely|Can certainly|This will certainly|Could possibly|This should|That will|May possibly|Could certainly|That should|Is going to|Might|This can|It can|May well|May perhaps|May|This can certainly|This|This is|Will} {limit|restrict|reduce|restriction|control|minimize|limitation|confine|cap|constrain|constraint|decrease|maximum|restrain|boundary|put a cap on|limitations|max|account limit|boundaries|credit limit|cover|prohibit|restrictions|ceiling|lessen|define|hat|lower|upper limit|restraints|regulate|cut down|prevent|top|focus|bound||confines|manage} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the|these|often the|the very|the exact|a new|the main|our|the entire|their|most of the|unquestionably the|usually the|the specific|this particular|those|some of the|an|our own|each|the most important|i would say the|some sort of|each of our|how the|the type of|my|which the|your current|you see, the} {hack|crack|compromise|hack into|get into|chop|identify} {or|or even|or perhaps|as well as|or maybe|and also|or simply|or possibly|and / or|and|and even|or just|or alternatively|or perhaps even|or else|or sometimes|in addition to|or perhaps a|or even a|or maybe a|alternatively|otherwise|along with|possibly|and / or maybe|also|or possibly a|or it may be|maybe|also known as|perhaps|or a|as well|on the other hand|together with|nor|and for|aka|to|plus} virus' {access to|use of|usage of|entry to|having access to|admission to|the means to access|admittance to|permission to access|the ways to access|a chance to access|ability to access|accessibility to|authority to access|the ability to access|the advantage of|gain access to|access|to enjoy|to access|utilization of|ways to access|utilize|using the|use|accessibility|possessing access|using|obtain|information on|getting access to|can download} {just that|exactly that|that|this|simply that|except|only that|which|in which|this kind of|this particular|that will} {one|1|a single|one particular|just one|a person|an individual|a particular|you|a|single|at least one|only one|one single|definitely one|someone|one|a single one|just one particular|person|individual|specific|some|unique|another|certain|a specific|a good|distinct|one of them|one in particular||solitary|an|anyone|type|i|a person particular|particular|it} {item|product|merchandise|object|piece|product or service|thing|solution|device|products|unit|supplement|element|component|part|bit|gift|system|purchase|article|tool|items|goods|addition|equipment|accent|subject|asset|service|issue|point|record|package|program|gadget|stuff|portion|item|services or products|option} {instead of a|rather than a|rather than|as opposed to a|} {mess|chaos|clutter|wreck|blunder|jumble|confusion|muddle|play|screw|messes|disorder|litter|pickle|twist|problem|debris|pain|attach|slopp|tanglement|disaster|screw up|a mess|situation|grime|play around|tangle|junk|assortment|bolt|debacle|prop|turmoil} {your personal|your individual|your own personal|your own|your very own|your|your own private|your special|your current|your existing|your private|ones own|the|the appropriate|your own special|a person's|an individual's|private|your " special "|your present|one's own|ones|an affordable|very own|the beneficial|your personal|special|existing|personal||current|" special "|your own own|your very|person|a|your actual|your person|your real|your personal personal} {accounts|company accounts|balances|records|reports|financial records|consideration|files|data|bank account|provides|information|bill|profiles|credit accounts|debts|bank accounts|info|details|account|stories|profile|records data|documents|history|akun|balance|personal data|trading accounts|addresses|facts|membership|financial accounts|health care records|unsecured debts|tales|data files|medical data|record|credit account}. {It is also|It's also|Additionally it is|It is usually|It is additionally|Also, it is|Additionally, it is|It might be|It could be|It can also be|It is|It is .|It's|Furthermore, it is|It can be|It is equally|Additionally, it's|But also|It really is|It usually is .|It may also be|What's more, it's|Furthermore|Additionally|It could also be|It's also important to|It is also|It also includes|In addition|But what also is|It really is also|It's usually|Furthermore it is|Moreover it is|In addition it is|It usually is|Lots of|Quality|Electrical contractor .|Generally} {a very good idea|makes sense|is sensible} {to keep|to help keep|to maintain|to hold|and keep|to prevent|to have|to remain|to stay|to continue|which keeps|to retain|to keep up|to take care of|keeping|in order to keep|to hold on to|to stop|for keeping|to save|to make|to carry|to support|maintain|to help|of keeping|to store|keep|preserve|so as to keep|to preserve|to enjoy|in order to maintain|in keeping|to assist keep|so that|to carry on|retain|trying to keep|to assist} {sites|websites|web sites|internet sites|web-sites|web pages|online websites|online sites|webpages|internet websites|internet pages|places|locations|websites online|blogs|niche sites|services|web|areas|internet|online businesses|net sites|pages|online services|website pages|world wide web|net|attractions|world-wide-web sites|web directories|sites|spots|companies|net websites|businesses|world wide web sites|internet directories|stores|portals|domains} {that have|which have|who have|which may have|that contain|that are fitted with|that have already|which happen to have|which use|who've|that may have|with|which all have|having|who may have|that offer|that possess|that incorporate|who definitely have|seem to be|that've|that feature|which has|where there are|who have got|that happen to have|which may|that definitely have|happen to be|are generally|that have|that includes|might|have been|that are|that create|may well|may perhaps have|may possibly|that include} {very|really|extremely|quite|incredibly|pretty|rather|highly|particularly|especially|fairly|exceptionally|truly|tremendously|relatively|genuinely|extraordinarily|actually|exceedingly|terribly|definitely|seriously|surprisingly|remarkably|somewhat|totally|completely|awfully|unbelievably|notably|very|amazingly||enormously|absolutely|absolute|really quite|hugely|some what|noticeably} {sensitive|delicate|hypersensitive|vulnerable|very sensitive|susceptible|private|fragile|receptive|confidential|acutely sensitive|responsive|reactive|tender|personal|soft|temperamental|fine|uneasy|gentle|sore|sophisticated|irritated|critical|essential|subtle|useful|important|confedential|painful|young|secret|information|responsive to|juicy|sensible|yield|little|arthritic|touchy} {information|info|details|data|facts|information and facts|material|advice|knowledge|tips|specifics|important information|guidance|related information|content|particulars|answers|resources|ideas|critical information|help and advice|important info|insight|understanding|detail|intel|files|expertise|information|strategies|know-how|records|reports|suggestions|news|documents|strategies and information|media|advise|additional info} {such as|for example|including|like|for instance|just like|which include|which includes|similar to|that include|along the lines of|for example ,|most notably|particularly|which can include|like for example|in particular|as an example|as well as|like the|as in|for instance ,|e . g .|together with|comparable to|among them|something like|for instance such as|akin to|just like for example|this includes|equivalent to|corresponding to|resembling|include things like|reminiscent of|specifically||much like|by way of example} {bank accounts|accounts|banking accounts|banks|savings accounts} {and|as well as|and also|along with|in addition to|plus|together with|and even|not to mention|and additionally|and then|coupled with|combined with|and therefore|or|also|and thus|and in addition|and so|and furthermore|and consequently|then|as well as the|and as a result|and simply|and moreover|as well as ,|and as well ,|and as a consequence|but|to|and as well as|so|and / or|additionally|but also|in addition to the|furthermore|in addition|and after that} {credit card|charge card|bank card|plastic card|debit card|credit-based card|visa or mastercard|mastercard|card|visa card|store card|paypal or credit card|payment card|plastic|bank|credit|unsecured credit card|payment|unsecured debt|banking|credit cards|financial information|cc|visa or master card|minute card|card or paypal|financial institution|private credit information|details|master card|charge|debt|cost card|credit card|financial institution card|card account|cards|greeting card|lender card|bankcard} {sites|websites|web sites|internet sites|web-sites|web pages|online websites|online sites|webpages|internet websites|internet pages|places|locations|websites online|blogs|niche sites|services|web|areas|internet|online businesses|net sites|pages|online services|website pages|world wide web|net|attractions|world-wide-web sites|web directories|sites|spots|companies|net websites|businesses|world wide web sites|internet directories|stores|portals|domains} {under a|within|within a|with a|beneath a|using a|underneath a|in a|inside a|inside|having a|in just a|inside of|which has a|within just} {separate|individual|independent|distinct|different|split|standalone|distinguish|divide|isolate|detached|differentiate|isolated|break up|detach|break down|segregate|divided|apart|discrete|stand alone|partition|distance|unique|identify|price|look|specific|precise|person|try to portion|separated|personal|separation|away|part|impartial|broken up|come apart|particular person} {email|e-mail|e mail|electronic mail|mail|contact|message|email address|email message|inbox|netmail|web mail|email's|send|internet mail|mailbox|email messages|e-mail message|electronic|email marketing|subscriber|digital mail|mailing|emails|messages|call|e-mails|snail mail|email|write|email program|letter|email software|post|e-mail address||newsletter|email correspondence|current|digital} {only|just|simply|merely|solely|exclusively|mainly|primarily|basically|sole|no more than|purely|single|barely|one|typically|primary|entirely|only just|lone|exclusive|best|main|simply just|most effective|basically only|really|strictly|primarily just|mostly|solitary|likely|nothing but|one and only|only real|really only|definitely|just simply||a mere} {used for|employed for|useful for|utilized for|used by|used in|for|put to use in|intended for|put to use for|designed for|helpful for|raised for|meant for|employed by|useful|used as|utilized|used|ideal for|used to treat|utilized in|utilised for|utilized by|employed in|used for|improve your|increase your|suitable for|great for|perfect for} {those items|those things|the products|the many items|all the items}, {but remember|but don't forget|bear in mind|fresh fruits|but bear in mind|there are plenty of|dry fruits|you need to|there are many|but keep in mind|remember|keep in mind|don't forget|but do not forget} {to keep|to help keep|to maintain|to hold|and keep|to prevent|to have|to remain|to stay|to continue|which keeps|to retain|to keep up|to take care of|keeping|in order to keep|to hold on to|to stop|for keeping|to save|to make|to carry|to support|maintain|to help|of keeping|to store|keep|preserve|so as to keep|to preserve|to enjoy|in order to maintain|in keeping|to assist keep|so that|to carry on|retain|trying to keep|to assist} {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the|these|often the|the very|the exact|a new|the main|our|the entire|their|most of the|unquestionably the|usually the|the specific|this particular|those|some of the|an|our own|each|the most important|i would say the|some sort of|each of our|how the|the type of|my|which the|your current|you see, the} {passwords|security passwords|account details|accounts|bookmarks} {different|various|diverse|distinct|unique|distinctive|several|numerous|completely different|totally different|varied|a variety of|many|assorted|many different|varying|differing|a number of|multiple|alternative|very different|specific|various kinds of|a range of|separate|special|many types of|dissimilar|several different|particular|many kinds of|other|individual|contrasting|different|extraordinary|exclusive|new|quite a few|new and exciting}. {The reason behind|The explanation for|The real reason for|The grounds behind|The true reason for|The actual cause of|The excuse for|The primary reason for|The reason for|The scientific explanation for|The main reason for|The cause of|The biology behind|The main cause of|Explanation for} {having|getting|possessing|obtaining|acquiring|owning|experiencing|using|developing|needing|having to deal with|enjoying|going through|finding|receiving|maintaining|keeping|utilizing|making|holding|enduring|offering|creating|generating|with|providing|featuring|buying|suffering from|hosting|eating|while having|incuring|choosing|undergoing|having|organizing|employing|that has|being required} {multiple|several|numerous|a number of|many|various|a variety of|many different|different|an array of|a wide range of|quite a few|a lot of|a few different|a couple of|a few|a mixture of|a multitude of|larger number of|lots of|countless|variable|multi|more than one|a larger number of|adjustable|plenty of|a range of|double|a number|three-way|quantity of|one or more|variety of|multi-ply|the printer's|range of|two or more|quantity|variety} {email accounts|email options} {is based on|is dependant on|is founded on|will depend on|will be based upon|draws on|is dependent on|uses|is dependant|depends on|is in|conditional on|depends upon|is reliant|will be|is based upon|is centered on|was based on|is going to be|is reliant on|is dependent upon} {the fact that|the truth that|the fact|the reality that|the belief that|the point that|that|the possibility that|that experts claim|the advantage that|just how|the undeniable fact that|the indisputable fact that|because|how much|the option that|all the time|such things as|even though|generally|which experts claim|since|the reality|how|the truth|where|the fact that the|the very fact|of the fact that|the matter that|the belief that many|the simple fact|the simple fact that|the actual fact|the very fact that|nearly everywhere|simple fact|knowing that|in excess of what|due to the fact} {if your|in case your|if the|should your|when your|but if your|in the event your|if you are|but if the|if your primary|if your main|if a|in the event the|if you're|in case a|when the|should the|when a|in case the|in case|whether your|if for example the|in cases where a|just in case|yet, if your|should|in the event|should a|whether a|situation your|need to|situation|ought to|as well as|just in case your|should you be|any time a|really should|must|or perhaps} {single|solitary|individual|one|sole|simple|solo|singular|particular|lone|one-time|unmarried|a single|only|specific|1|alone|one particular|unique|spouseless|person|unattached|main|small|by yourself|available|eligible|tiny|just one|single again|separate||little|personal|song|exclusive|eligible person|a person|a 1 hour|primary} {email|e-mail|e mail|electronic mail|mail|contact|message|email address|email message|inbox|netmail|web mail|email's|send|internet mail|mailbox|email messages|e-mail message|electronic|email marketing|subscriber|digital mail|mailing|emails|messages|call|e-mails|snail mail|email|write|email program|letter|email software|post|e-mail address||newsletter|email correspondence|current|digital} {account|accounts|consideration|bank account|bill|profile|balance|membership|credit account|akun|webpage|site|internet page|trading account|record|portfolio|card|finance|plan|report|levels|pay for|story|history|checking account|benutzerkonto|service|fund|page|amount of|thought|banking account|deposit|part|description|subscription|savings account|password|credit card account|factor} {is|is actually|will be|can be|is definitely|is usually|is certainly|is without a doubt|is undoubtedly|might be|is normally|is going to be|is without question|happens to be|is simply|is in fact|may be|is really|is truly|could be|is considered to be|is almost certainly|is generally|is always|is often|has been|is literally|definitely is|are|is now|is considered|has become|would be|is just|should be|is regarded as|typically is|is very much|could be described as|was} {taken|used|obtained|consumed|considered|utilized|undertaken|applied|ingested|captured|regarded|grabbed|brought|implemented|shot|adopted|completed|made|done|taken away|acquired|seized|attained|extracted|employed|snapped|moved|secured|ripped off|utilised|received|compromised|steered|transported|claimed|lost|harnessed|included|taken into account|took} {then the|then your|then a|then this|next the|then an|than the|then that|the|after that the|then|then these|and then the|next|a|in that case your|after the|is really|process|once the|then those|identical .|subsequent the|taken out|this|your} {individual who|individual that|person that|one that|one who|person who|who|man or woman who|that|individual|one|someone who|family that} {has|offers|provides|features|possesses|has got|includes|contains|seems to have|comes with|carries|boasts|have|also has|offers you|gives you|delivers|will have|has already|may have|has recently|consists of|holds|has now|which has|does have|needs|has actually|owns|maintains|gives|supplies|is|comes armed with|presents|produces|is bound to have|employs|would have|is complete with} {that|which|in which|that will|of which|this|which will|the fact that|which usually|who|which often|which in turn|that may|the|which unfortunately|which experts claim|whom|your|that can|that experts claim|it|which experts state|a|that particular|the fact|where|that most|where it||just that|of the fact that|that many|that do|when|that a lot of|exactly who|by which|that the majority of|the idea|that a majority of} {account|accounts|consideration|bank account|bill|profile|balance|membership|credit account|akun|webpage|site|internet page|trading account|record|portfolio|card|finance|plan|report|levels|pay for|story|history|checking account|benutzerkonto|service|fund|page|amount of|thought|banking account|deposit|part|description|subscription|savings account|password|credit card account|factor} {can have|might have|may have|will surely have|can offer|could have|is capable of having|can get|may have some|can result in|can certainly have|provide|can lead to|will offer|will have|can aquire|are capable of having|could possibly have|are capable of|are capable of producing|would get|may possibly have|have|is sure to offer|often have|might|has|can acquire|will demonstrate|may|should have|could quite possibly have|may possibly|could get|may well|are going to have|may perhaps have|could|shows|may well have} {all your|all of your|your entire|your|your complete|every one of your|any|your whole|your current|all of your current|the necessary|all of the|your own|each of your|all your valuable|the required|all|your personal|all your|tons of|all the|of one's|every|the|whole|all of|complete|total|one's own|any of your|your whole collection of|overall|each and every|your overall|full} {passwords|security passwords|account details|accounts|bookmarks} {send|deliver|send out|mail|post|ship|give|distribute|transmit|dispatch|email|submit|direct|provide|transfer|drive|shoot|forward|blast|e-mail|move|circulate|supply|mail out|get|give out|recommend|drop|communicate|transport|pass|throw|convey|write|upload|offer|send|return|relate|bring} {to that|to that particular|compared to that|fot it|to this|to the next|for that|to it|specific|special|to the|certain|individual|when compared to|in comparison to|in comparison with} {account for|take into account|are the cause of|be the cause of|are the reason for|be the reason for|make up|be aware of|explain|provider for|keep track of|keep an eye on|consider|supplier for|are responsible for|cause|contribute|represent|would be the|trigger|make up for} {reset|totally reset|reset to zero|recast}. {For|With regard to|Regarding|Pertaining to|Intended for|To get|Designed for|Meant for|For the purpose of|Just for|With respect to|When it comes to|With regards to|To obtain|To find|Available for|To|Suitable for|Concerning|Needed for|Relating to|With|To have|In support of|When considering|To receive|Of|To achieve|In|On|To gain|Towards|At|Because of|In order for|To produce|About|For the|To make|Over} {security|protection|safety|stability|basic safety|safety measures|security and safety|secureness|reliability|security measure|security measures|safety and security|certainty|safeness|safe practices|safeguards|wellbeing|home security|surveillance|protection .|computer security|guarantee|defense|security alarm|home surveillance|safeguard|alarm|equity|health and safety|privacy|collateral|assurance|well-being|essential safety|home protection|security|proper protection|safeguarding|protective measures|assets} {reasons|factors|causes|motives|good reasons|explanations|purposes|arguments|points|benefits|underlying factors|considerations|grounds|issues|justifications|very good reasons|aspects|elements|functions|top reasons|reason behind why|uses|answers|components|reasons why|points why|several reasons|requirements|variables|needs|beneficial reasons|leads to|applications|brings about|good|excellent|conditions|rationale why|great|reasons behind}, {in today's world|nowadays|today|these days|in the industry|behind closed doors|make|diverse|generate our income|money|it's not|today ,|our income|how we|our lives have|our salary|more various .|our living .|lifestyles have|really different|so|in these times|in these modern t |
Joma |
#3304 Zeptejte se doma2013-01-10 23:51Studenti zeptejte se doma proč Vaši rodiče neparcovali tak, jako rodiče dětí které mohou studovat v zahraničí a ne o nějakého Rosochy |
Joma |
#3305 Re: 23:53 |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#3306 Re: Re: 00:01Tak to, rozhodně. V čele s tebou... |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#3307 Re: Re: Re: Re: Blamáž komunistické baby .2013-01-11 00:03#3302: - Re: Re: Re: Blamáž komunistické baby . Koukám, vy z něj máte ale mindrák... |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#3308 Re: Re: Re: Re: Blamáž komunistické baby .2013-01-11 11:31#3302: - Re: Re: Re: Blamáž komunistické baby . Váš "průjem" nestojí za komentář, soudruhu:-))) |
Tvaroval ho táta a komunisti pronásledovali až na VUML |
#3309 SOBOTKA presidentem2013-01-11 11:37 Franky Malý 22987 Sobotko,reaguji tímto na Vaše prohlášení z Parlamentních listů, kde jste srovnal KSČM s nacisty a prohlásil, že pokud byste byl prezidentem, tak v případě účasti KSČM na vládě rezignujete.Na to bych byl zvědav,díky Bihu presidentem nikdy nebudete! Rád bych Vám připomněl, že jste byl studentem Vysokého učení marxismu leninismu (VUML). V roce 1989 jste úspěšně dokončil jeho 2. ročník a vzhledem k převratu jste již třetí nestihl řádně dostudovat.To je škoda,že Sobotko! Ano, stejně jako mnoho Vašich kolegů z ODS, kteří po Listopadu 1989 zahodili svou členskou legitimaci KSČ a změnili názor, i Vy jste se stal známým „antikomunistou“. V médiích jste se obhajoval, že jako lékař jste VUML studovat musel. Ne, nemusel!Vy jste ho studoval velice rád,vidina koryta v KSČ byla pro vás velice lákavá možnost! Doopravdy ani před rokem 1989 nemuseli rentgenologové (což byla Vaše profese) studovat VUML, dokonce ani členství rentgenologů v KSČ nebylo povinností.Lékaři pracovali i bez VUMLu i legitimace KSČ.Svatá pravda,pokrytče Sobotko! Uvědomte si, že KSČM je demokratická levicová parlamentní strana, která hájí zájmy miliónů občanů, kteří pracují, podnikají a mnohých, co se zoufale snaží řešit následky reforem z dílny ODS.Na těchto reformách jste se podílel i vy pokrytče Sobotko! Pane senátore(chameleone), pokud se chováte tak, „jaká je zrovna doba“, berte v potaz, že doba žádá politiky, kteří hájí zájmy občanů. Vnímám vás jako poněkud „multi-postojového“ politika se selektivní pamětí. Pokud jste tedy tak zásadový, jak se v médiích prezentujete, očekávám, že zvážíte Vaše ambice stát se prezidentem České republiky, protože „doba už je prostě taková“. !! |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#3310 VOLTE NAŠEHO KARLA2013-01-11 11:48 |
Monika |
#3311 Jedině Sobotku2013-01-11 11:50Takže si to shrneme...s tátou komunisti zatočili, ale synek se vrhnul na VUML, protože to údajně bylo nezbytné pro další kariéru. Podle všeho bude pan Sobotka politik nejen schopný, ale i všehoschopný.:-PRv |
Náš kníže pán |
#3312 for president2013-01-11 11:53 a jeho rychlý únik v Bělehradě - |
Monika - to je můj president |
#3313 Honzo neschovávej se !!!!!! Já Tě miluji.2013-01-11 12:18Monika #1929 Honzo neschovávej se !!!!!! Já Tě miluji. 2013-01-10 14:41 Tak už konečně vím, koho budu volit za prezidenta. Chvíli jsem uvažovala o šéfovi DSSS Tomáši Vandasovi, má hezký vztah k národu a je instalatér. Taky jsem přemýšlela o Janě Bobošíkové, nějaké zvolení by si zasloužila. Už jen kvůli svým buchtám. Pak ale otevřela okno na chatě, vystrčil hlavu a promluvil k nám Jan „Honza“ Fischer – a byla to láska na první pohled! |
Mirek - Já Tě taky volím !!!!! |
#3314 To je HONZO fantastické2013-01-11 12:21 |
Dominik |
#33152013-01-11 12:58 |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#33162013-01-11 19:30A co po nic zůstane , nic jen m |
Modrorudý pták |
#33182013-01-12 15:06Proč nevadí studentům komunističtí kandidáti na prezidenta? Tato petice je šaškárna, protože celá ODS, TOP09 ale i ČSSD jsou infiltrovaní bývalými komunisty. Např. kandidát na prezidenta Vladimír Dlouhý byl do r. 1989 bolševik a po roce 1989 člen ODA a ministr průmyslu a obchodu. Mimo jiné byl spíš než ministr hrobař našeho průmyslu ale to nikomu nevadí. Myslím si, že současná KSČM může přibrzdit korupci na různých úrovních. |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#3319 a už jde modropták a úchylná lidovkyně do prdele2013-01-12 15:34Tabulka volebních výsledků 1. kola Tabulka volebních výsledků 1. kola Číslo Kandidát Hlasů % Graf▼ 6 Ing. Miloš Zeman 14144 26.70 % 2 Ing. Jan Fischer CSc. 9830 18.55 % 9 Karel Schwarzenberg 9161 17.29 % 8 Jiří Dienstbier 9086 17.15 % 7 Prof. JUDr. Vladimír Franz 3751 7.08 % 1 MUDr. Zuzana Roithová MBA 2601 4.91 % 4 Taťana Fischerová 1607 3.03 % 3 Ing. Jana Bobošíková 1560 2.94 % 5 MUDr. Přemysl Sobotka 1231 2.32 % |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#33202013-01-12 15:35A co po nic zůstane , nic jen m |
#3321 BUDU DRŽET HLADOVKU !!!2013-01-12 15:42Inspirován naší zlatou mládeží jsem se rozhodl držet řetězovou hladovku. Je mi celkem jedno, kdo vzejde z voleb, ale podstatné je, že to nebude ten, koho chci já. A tak pravidelně, vždy mezi obědem a večeří, budu držet hladovku do té doby, než dosáhnu odstoupení zatím ještě nezvoleného prezidenta |
Monika |
#3322 Já taky !!!!!!2013-01-12 15:46Připojuji se k Vašemu protestu:-))) Tedy v případě, že vyhraje někdo z trojice Zeman, Fischer, knížepán (u Sobotky a Bobo snad něco takového ani nehrozí). A tu odpolední sváču("nezdravé" ovoce) budu taky vynechávat tak dlouho, dokud nevítaný vítěz z funkce neodstoupí!:-))) |
JE PRVNÍ - PRVNÍ ach, ach, ale od konce |
#3323 Přemysl Sobotka míří k vítězství prezidentských primárek2013-01-12 15:47Přemysl Sobotka míří k vítězství prezidentských primárek Tabulka volebních výsledků 1. kola Číslo Kandidát Hlasů % Graf▼ 6 Ing. Miloš Zeman 115788 26.19 % 9 Karel Schwarzenberg 82320 18.61 % 2 Ing. Jan Fischer CSc. 79203 17.91 % 8 Jiří Dienstbier 75625 17.10 % 7 Prof. JUDr. Vladimír Franz 31883 7.21 % 1 MUDr. Zuzana Roithová MBA 20863 4.71 % 4 Taťana Fischerová 13829 3.12 % 3 Ing. Jana Bobošíková 12205 2.76 % 5 MUDr. Přemysl Sobotka 10390 2.35 % |
#3324 A co po něm zůstane - VELKÝ SMRAD2013-01-12 15:49 |
#3325 SKUTEČNÁ TVÁŘ KNÍŽETE ?2013-01-12 15:57 Starý oplzlík a prostopášník Schwarzenberg převzal po smrti Havla úlohu největšího škůdce českého národa Autor: Dušan Streit | Publikováno: 3.7.2012 | Rubrika: Zamyšlení Ilustrace Po uznání Kosova a bratříčkování se zločinci Thaçim a Saakašvilim se náš ministr zahraničí dopustil další z řady sabotáží zájmů České republiky. A nejen to. Projevil se jako chlípný volnomyšlenkář, prostopášník, postmodernista a částečně i anarchista. To všechno vyplývá z formy jeho podpory punkové skupiny ruských feministek Pussy Riot. Na improvizovanou happeningovou stěnu načmáral: „Velice vás obdivuji. Držte se. Rusko získá svou důstojnost a svobodu. Všichni na vás myslíme.“ Dodal ještě: „Holky z Pussy Riot jsou opravdu báječné. Já je opravdu obdivuji, protože mají odvahu. Jsou krásné, mají smysl pro humor a mají kuráž.“ Jak to je s Pussy Riot? Jsou to provokativní exhibicionistky, avšak za hranicí vkusu. Za názory by se jistě věznit nemělo ani v Rusku. Za slova písní také ne, i když v jiných případech se tak děje i u nás. Vulgarismy by se daly přejít či omluvit, pořádání nelegálních akcí na nevhodných místech by se mohlo omluvit. Provokativní happeningy by se daly chápat jako legitimní odpor proti rigidnímu režimu. Pochopit by se dala také neláska k Putinovi. Ale pořádání veřejných souloží už je za hranou. A co by řekla katolická církev, kdyby se někdo vůči ní zachoval jako Pussy Riot? Dne 21. února 2012 totiž pět členek skupiny vešlo do moskevské Katedrály Krista Spasitele a před ikonostasem začalo s pomocí zesilovačů vykřikovat urážlivá hesla na adresu Vladimíra Putina, ruského patriarchy Kirilla a dalších duchovních. Skupina zaspívala píseň "Bohorodičko, vyžeň Putina", ve které kritizovala propojení ruského pravoslavného kléru s tajnými službami a Putinem. Nově zvolený prezident Putin se krátce poté omluvil svým příznivcům a Ruské pravoslavné církvi (zdroj Wikipedie). Čtěte také: Karel Schwarzenberg - zrádce zůstane zrádcem! Hříchy Karla Schwarzenberga aneb jak kníže korumpoval při restitucích Předseda Senátu: Schwarzenberg by měl mít soudnost a na Hrad nekandidovat. Pochybuji o jeho zdraví Podívejte se, co si kolaborant Schwarzenberg myslí o uznání Kosova a albánských teroristech To má být diplomat a konzervativec? Chová se jak vilný stařík mezi batůžkáři a levicovou bohémou (nechtěl jsem napsat svoločí). Hlavně však nediplomaticky a zcela zbytečně provokuje Rusko a naše zájmy na korektních vztazích s touto velmocí. Je-li v jádru Schwarzenberg neřestným starým zpustlíkem, neměl by to dávat při své funkci najevo. On není soukromou osobou. I já ho platím ze svých daní, aby řádně zastupoval vlast, což nejen nečiní, leč právě naopak. Schwarzenberg je vůbec exemplární licoměrník. To, že je pravicový politik? Vždyť s Kalouskem zvyšují daně a „konzervativní“ jsou jen tehdy, když na tom mohou vydělat nebo se přiživit. Teď se ukázal, jaké to byly mimikry. Když zavřeli Ratha, mezi prvními si pochvaloval že konečně orgány činné v trestním řízení ztratily zábrany jít do nejvyšších pater. Jakmile má problémy jeho kumpánka Parkanová, najednou se může s Kalouskem pominout, aby vůbec nebyla spravedlnosti vydána. To farizejství by už měli pochopit i ti, kdož si dosud neuvědomili, že k pravici a konzervatismu, což TOP09 falešně proklamuje, patří i idea národních států, jíž Schwarzenberg podrývá, kudy chodí. Dovedete si představit, kdyby polonahé punkerky vnikly do Chrámu sv. Víta a před oltářem vřískaly popěvky o nestoudnosti církevních „restitucí“? Asi by se jim to ani nepodařilo, jak by státní moc okamžitě uplatnila paragraf o hanobení náboženského přesvědčení. Ostatně Duka něčím podobným vyhrožoval, ačkoliv mu ještě nikdo bohužel nezazpíval. Tady by však měl jistě i jeden z největších stoupenců církevních „restitucí“ jiný metr. Po smrti Havla převzal Schwarzenberg úlohu největšího škůdce českého národa. Teď všem předvedl i svůj morální profil. Prezident Klaus udělal svou největší chybu v úřadě tím, že jej připustil – přes všechny své výhrady – jako ministra zahraničí. |
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