PETICE na podporu Kláry Vítkové - Rulíkové (paterčata)

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/ #692 Re: Jak to vidím já

2015-02-14 20:27

#691: - Jak to vidím já 

V dokumentu četla dopisy Klára, co přišly poštou a elektronicky. Pokud tam lásku nevidíte, Váš problém.

Evropský magazín televize Deutsche Welle natáčel s rodiči prvních českých paterčat.

Czech Republic: Roma under suspicion

Whether it's accusations of child abduction or defrauding the welfare services, the prejudices against the Roma people in Europe are huge, even when there's actually something to celebrate. At first it was a sensation. In early June a young woman in the Czech Republic gave birth to healthy quintuplets. Citizens and national businesses offered help and donations. But soon the young parents, who belong to the Roma minority, were being subjected to racist abuse on the internet and social networking sites.The commentators accused the couple of sponging off the system.

To máme zde proroků, psychiatrů, manažerů. Škoda, že výsledky nejsou ve společnosti moc vidět, hází se vina na kdekoho, včetně tvůrců pořadu.