Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-04 10:40

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-04 10:40

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-04 10:40

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-04 10:40

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-04 10:40

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-04 10:40

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-04 10:41

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#185708 Cлава России!

2022-12-04 10:42


Nepřihlášený uživatel

#185709 Zateplovat, zateplovat, zateplovat!

2022-12-04 11:22

    Nep omo hlo ?  Za tep lov at    dal !

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#185710 Re: Z a t e p l ovat, zateplovat, zateplovat!

2022-12-04 11:26


#185711 Okradmůra je ruský iluminát.

2022-12-04 11:30


 SPD nebrat!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-04 11:34

   Spo tre ba     nu la ....   zap lat is pru mer 

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#185713 Jsi kolaborant

2022-12-04 13:26


 Zmr de

Čína je budoucnost!

#185714 V Gobi přistáli tři tchajkonauti, půl roku dokončovali čínský Nebeský palác

2022-12-04 13:27

USA a EU jsou minulost!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#185715 A ty z toho už máš šikmé oči.

2022-12-04 14:57

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#185716 To je teda server.

2022-12-04 16:26

   P r a s e t i     p o d     k o t n i k y 

Občané ČR

#185717 Srdečně vítáme pana velvyslance Feng Piao!

2022-12-04 19:12

China is our friend.

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#185718 Američanům a ukrajincům nenaléváme!

2022-12-04 19:23


Nepřihlášený uživatel

#185719 Re:

2022-12-04 20:39

#185707: -  

 Jdi s timto svinstvem do prdele!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-05 09:03


Nepřihlášený uživatel

#185721 Re:

2022-12-05 09:55


    M a s    z a j i m a v e    k a m a r a d y .

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-05 11:37

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-05 11:37

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-05 11:38

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-05 11:38

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!