Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186251 Re: Re:

2022-12-22 16:02

#186249: - Re:  

 Dostaneš flákanec,  třeba se ti rozsvítí!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186252 Re:

2022-12-22 17:53

#186235: PRO -  

   MŽP řídí nějaký Jurečka. To je bratr od lidovců.

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186253 Re:

2022-12-22 17:57

#186235: PRO -  

    Kdybyste  byl  úředníkem na MŽP, pochyboval byste, byť sebeméně, o nutnosti Green Dealu? Nebo byste jeho zploditele chtěl oběsit?

Občané ČR

#186254 My STBáka Bureše známe.

2022-12-22 18:57

#186231: - Re:  

 Bureš, do basy pudeš!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186255 Re: Re: Re:

2022-12-22 19:00

#186251: - Re: Re:  

 Eman raus!


#186256 Naše volba je jasná!

2022-12-22 20:26

#186249: - Re:  

 Pan Ing. Andrej Babiš bude velmi dobrým prezidentem!

Fialova bída!

#186257 DEMISI!

2022-12-22 23:43

Kapr, řízek i brambory. Pro přípravu vánočního menu podražily všechny potraviny



#186258 Re:

2022-12-23 04:01

#186256: Vlastenci - Naše volba je jasná! 

 Trestně stíhaný prezident, co to je za drzost? Být to v jakémkoli jiném státě, už by dotyčný dávno odstoupil. Věřím, že většina lidí má rozum a nebude házet hlas osobě, která pravděpodobně skončí ve vězení. Zvolení by se mu hodilo, ano, proto kandiduje, aby získal imunitu a nemusel do basy. O nic jiného tady nejde. Lidi, mějte prosím rozum a přemýšlejte. Ať nedopadneme, jako posledních 10 let, kdy jsme měli na Hradě, díky nezodpovědným voličům opilecko - hulvátského panáka. Proč zase další problémy ? Nemůžeme mít už konečně zase jednou na Hradě člověka, za kterého se nemusíme stydět ?


#186259 Bude líp

2022-12-23 08:27

#186257: Fialova bída! - DEMISI! 

 Lidé si mohou za svoji chudobu sami, to si dezoláti uvědomte!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186260 Re: Re:

2022-12-23 10:36

#186258: - Re: 

      Za většinu politiků se musí stydět lidi, protože oni sami stud neznají.  

Tento příspěvek byl odstraněn jeho autorem (Zobrazit podrobnosti)

2022-12-23 10:36

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186262 welcome dear beings

2022-12-23 11:08

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186263 welcome dear beings

2022-12-23 11:09

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186264 welcome dear beings

2022-12-23 11:09

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186265 welcome dear beings

2022-12-23 11:09

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186266 welcome dear beings

2022-12-23 11:09

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186267 welcome dear beings

2022-12-23 11:09

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186268 welcome dear beings

2022-12-23 11:10

welcome to chanrazig welcome to gyanendra welcome to yi won ri choson welcome to taranatha welcome to namgyal welcome to gandhist welcome to kemalist welcome to cyrus reza welcome to scg hs hl

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186269 Pravda a Láska zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí !!

2022-12-23 12:20

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186270 Pravda a Láska zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí !!

2022-12-23 12:20

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186271 Pravda a Láska zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí !!

2022-12-23 12:20

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186272 Pravda a Láska zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí !!

2022-12-23 12:21

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186273 Pravda a Láska zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí !!

2022-12-23 12:21

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186274 Pravda a Láska zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí !!

2022-12-23 12:21

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186275 Pravda a Láska zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí !!

2022-12-23 12:21

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!