Podporujeme Libora Grubhoffera

Otto Sm Cambridge
Nepřihlášený uživatel

/ #36 Re: Slušný a statečný člověk. Schopný rektor.

2016-01-03 18:51

#30: Tomáš Bouzek - Slušný a statečný člověk. Schopný rektor. 

 Since 1982 I really do know Libor Grubhoffer. That time he had to overcome harsh tests of realities beyond the bordres.    

He is a person of great integrity with incredible moral and ethic aptitudes. Thus he shaped his sientific and academic potential with unfailing endeavour. Besides he is great motivator and able to multiply joy and divide circumstantial grief in the circles of students up to academic dignitaries. He always walks through the life with unshakeable confidence and uplifting attitude for his beloved truth in academic abilities and the future via upcoming generation.

As always, he  can impress by his uproofing of any political approaches into academic environment. His words never fail and promises are unshaken.

It will be delight to see Professor Libor Grubhoffer in driving seat again.

Dr Otto Smekal

Sunday 3 January 2016

Cambridge UK