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#85983 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No-go zones? Census data shows 100-plus

2016-06-26 17:35

#85976: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No-go zones? Census data shows 100-plus in B 

A jak by asi měl přes den vypadat idiote? Nejspíše to bylo focené o Ramadánu, kdy jsou zalezlí. Hned za rohem jsem tam objevil obrovskou mešitu a před ní postávají nějací mladíci. Také tam mají nějakou islámistickou školu, před tou jsou zase zahalené mumie. :D


Pakistani gangs have turned Derby's historic Arboretum Park into a no-go zone for non-Muslims, according to local residents who have asked the BNP's News Team to raise the issue that the commercial media refuse to touch.
There have been at least seven violent incidents in the park, which has the distinction of being Britain's first public park, dating back to 1840. The majority of victims have been from the local white community, although one black and one Sikh have also been attacked.
Police are now trying to get 'community' leaders together to stop it becoming a no-go zone, according to a local newspaper.
Bizarrely, the park, whose adjoining councilors are all Pakistani in origin, was recently given a national Green Flag safety award. Crime victims are furious at the award, which flies in the face of the reality of the situation, and which led to a letter writer in the local newspaper alleging that someone must have been bribed to make the award.
Chris Jordan, 64, was the victim of a racial assault by a gang of what was described as Pakistani youths on June 9th. He was kicked and spat upon by the gang.
On June 4, an 18-year-old Derby man was assaulted in what police said was a racially-aggravated attack. The white man was punched to the ground by an Asian youth and stamped on. Police say that the attacker also used 'racist language' during the unprovoked assault.
On July 19, Joe Ford, 16 (pictured), sustained a broken leg and facial injuries after being attacked by a gang of Muslim 'youths' in the park. He said he and a friend were approached by the group who told them "get off our park" before launching the attack.
He said: "They hit me a couple of times and then someone hit me on the back of my leg with a metal bar that put me straight down. They then started kicking me. I managed to hobble home with the help of my friend but then I had to go to the hospital. I won't walk through the park again."
On 28 July, a 53-year-old man was kicked in the back and stomach during an assault by two Pakistani teenagers as he walked through Arboretum Park.
On 21st August, a group of seven young schoolgirls were mugged in the park. A bicycle and mobile phone were taken from two of the group.
The Arboretum was Britain's first public park and was the model for New York's Central Park. A major revamp was given the go-ahead in 2003 after the council won a £5.6m National Lottery grant. The funding included £4.2m for entrances, a community building with a cafe, CCTV cameras, sports changing rooms and the refurbishment of several listed buildings. A further £1.4m went towards employing rangers to look after the grounds and other maintenance costs.
The Civic Trust, which organizes the Green Flag Award, said that while it could not guarantee award-winning parks would not suffer crime, it said it judged the parks on what they did to try to make them safe.


Nepřihlášený uživatel

#85985 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No-go zones? Census data shows 100-p

2016-06-26 17:48:12

#85983: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No-go zones? Census data shows 100-plus  

 I text, který uvádíte vypadá sám o sobě jako propaganda. Není zveřejněn na žádném důvěryhodném zdroji a propojen s ním propagandistickým videem jako "skynews" , přičem se skutečným skynews to nemá vůbec nic společného. 

Je to druh propagandy, které je internet plný a já jsme přesvědčen, že z velké (většiny) části tato videa tvoří ruská propaganda. 

Tedy nevěřím, že park je no-go zónou. Spal jsem kdysi před mnoha a mnoha lety ve spacáku na Martových polích v Paříži. Celou noc nás hlídal policajt protože měl strach, že budeme okradeni. 

Spát v noci v kterémkoliv parku v Praze nebylo možné nikdy, to je realita. Ale i tak velmi pochybuji, že by si policajti v Anglii takto pěkný park nepohlídai i v noci.