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#90020 A co budou rusáci prodávat?

2016-08-06 16:17

Elektromobil od Nissanu jezdí na bioetanol

Automobil má akumulátor o kapacitě 24 kWh a třicetilitrovou nádrž na palivo. Na to ujede asi 600 km. Kromě bioetanolu lze jet také na směs etanolu a vody.

Ta "strašná" Amerika:

How much does the MicroFueler cost and when may I realize a return on my investment?

Based on your fuel and power requirements please consult with E-Fuel's sales representative. US customers may be eligible for a state or federal tax credits which may reduce the effective cost by 50% of the purchase price once the credit is received. (See IRS form 8911, Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit.) Complete pricing and product specifications will not be available until product introductions in 2016.



Nepřihlášený uživatel


2016-08-06 16:22:53

nenávidim islám


Nepřihlášený uživatel

#90103 Re: A co budou rusáci prodávat?

2016-08-07 21:46:10

#90020: - A co budou rusáci prodávat?  

Nisan je japonská značka, ty strašná Ameriko. :D Ty budeš asi fanoušek Babiše, když propaguješ dotace na biopaliva. :D