Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 16:17

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 16:32

   P a u k   s e   o p e t   p o s r a l   v   k i n e

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 16:37

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 16:37

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 16:38

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 16:38

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 16:38

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 16:38

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 16:38

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Havel forever !! Long Live the Dalai Lama !! Free Tibet !! Free Iran !! Peace and Love !! Make Love not War !! Green Peace !! Free Rainbow People !! Free Cannabis !! Support Books !! Support Music !! Support Movies !! Support Trains !! Give Peace a Chance !! Long Live the Monarchy !!

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 17:43

   P a u k   j e    m a g o r    



2022-12-17 17:47

Pauk kvok

Pauk škrt

Pauk prd

Pauk svrab

Pauk šváb

Pauk blb

Pauk hňup

Pauk puk

Pauk bzuk

Pauk buk



2022-12-17 17:48

     K a r b o n   d i o x i d   p o h á n í   p r o d u k c i   p o t r a v i n    n a    c e l é     z e m ě k o u l i. 

    P o t r a v i n y    p o t ř e b u j e    s e d m    mi l i a r d    l i d í.



2022-12-17 17:53

   K d o    m ý t í    C O 2,   m ý t í    l i d s t v o.

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-17 17:54


Pauk kvok

Pauk škrt

Pauk prd

Pauk svrab

Pauk šváb

Pauk blb

Pauk hňup

Pauk puk

Pauk bzuk

Pauk buk


Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-18 08:56

Stále bdělí, stále svěží,

ve dne v noci mír nám střeží.

Ať je hic či plískanice,

pevně drží klávesnice.

V logu NATO, v srdci duhu,

na zdi prapor z hvězd a pruhů.

V mysli jasno, v srdci vzdor,

neunikne ruský troll ..

Hrdi na svou pevnou víru,

statečně dští oheň, síru ..

Plni protiruské zloby,

.. Hrdinové naší doby

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-18 09:37

  Š k y t



2022-12-18 09:41

   My známe Emana.  A Rusáky taky.


Občané ČR 👩👨🧑👧👦🧒👶👵👴🧓👩‍🦰👨‍🦰🧑‍🦰👩‍🦱👨‍🦱🧑‍🦱👩‍🦲👨‍🦲🧑‍🦲👩‍🦳👨‍🦳🧑‍🦳👱‍♀️👱‍♂️

#186068 S panem prezidentem Zemanem budeme volit pana prezidenta Babiše!

2022-12-18 11:00

Budu volit Babiše, jediný má zkušenosti, řekl Zeman❗ ✌️ 

Tvoje máma

#186069 Re:

2022-12-18 11:06

#186067: -  

 zná Emana. A Rusáky taky. 😍❤️ ✊👄 😵🤪

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-18 12:55

   Škyt  škyt   bléééé

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-18 13:07

   Eman si myslí, že oblbuje své voliče

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-18 13:08

   Zateplovat, zateplovat, zateplovat. 

   Když to nepomůže, zateplovat dál.

Nepřihlášený uživatel


2022-12-18 13:11


Nepřihlášený uživatel

#186074 Re:

2022-12-18 16:49

#186071: -  

 A přitom oblbl hňupy jako jsi ty.

Občané ČR 👩👨🧑👧👦🧒👶👵👴🧓👩‍🦰👨‍🦰🧑‍🦰👩‍🦱👨‍🦱🧑‍🦱👩‍🦲👨‍🦲🧑‍🦲👩‍🦳👨‍🦳🧑‍🦳👱‍♀️👱‍♂️


2022-12-18 16:52

Pan Babiš bude dobrý prezident! 🤩✌️