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#30301 Re: Zeman je absolutně beztrestný a tedy do velké míry v ČR absolutně mocný a to bohužel v páchání .2015-01-06 06:39 |
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#30303 Re: Re: Zeman je loutkou Putina, to je bohužel daleko pravděpodobnější.....2015-01-06 07:48#30291: KVZ - Re: Zeman je loutkou Putina, to je bohužel daleko pravděpodobnější..... Asenadem, střihnutý Demokratem podstata je ta, že an začátku rozhovoru na Frekvenci 1 mluvil Zeman o tom, jak jakýsi film zploštil a odbarvil historickou postavu a na konci rozhovoru udělá přesně totéž, když udělá srovnání naprosto idiotské. Člověka bez reálné polické moci, vetšinu války trávící v německém kriminále přirovna k člověk s vrcholnou moci v tehdejších Čechách a vůbec v celé okupované Evropě. Zeman je blázen. |
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#30304 Patnáct let po revoluci skrytá totalita a mafiánský kapitál2015-01-06 07:4925 let po revoluci skrytá totalita a mafiánský kapitál |
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#303052015-01-06 07:51Tato petice je úžasná a jsem moc rád,že probíhá. Protože,co ten náš prezident vyvádí je neslýchané. Proruský Miloš Zeman je škůdce naší krásné vlasti. Děkuji,že se něco takového děje,za odstoupení prezidenta naši republiky. Pan prezident Miloš Zeman je ostuda naší České země. Děkuji Mares Bronislav |
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#30306 Re: Důležité !!!2015-01-06 07:52zeman se neumí se chovat. Špatný vzor pro mládež !!! |
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#30307 PROLETÁŘI ZEMAN A KLAUS2015-01-06 07:57Miloš Zeman a Václav Klaus jsou proletáři v tom nejhorším a nejodpornějším slova smyslu, jsou zavistiví a mstiví na těchto dvou vlastnostech stojí celá bolševická ideologie, jsou to tedy bolševici toho nejodpornějšího ražení a jako takoví se také ničím neliší od nacistů. |
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#303082015-01-06 07:59A Fascist Hero in Democratic KievThe incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist. By conferring the highest state honor of “Hero of Ukraine” upon Stepan Bandera (1909-1959) on January 22, Viktor Yushchenko provoked protests from the chief rabbi of Ukraine, the president of Poland, and many of his own citizens. It is no wonder. Bandera aimed to make of Ukraine a one-party fascist dictatorship without national minorities. During World War II, his followers killed many Poles and Jews. Why would President Yushchenko, the leader of the democratic Orange Revolution, wish to rehabilitate such a figure? Bandera, who spent years in Polish and Nazi confinement, and died at the hands of the Soviet KGB, is for some Ukrainians a symbol of the struggle for independence during the twentieth century.Born in 1909, Bandera matured at a time when the cause of national self-determination had triumphed in much of eastern Europe, but not in Ukraine. The lands of today’s Ukraine had been divided between the Russian Empire and the Habsburg monarchy when World War I began, and were divided again between the new Soviet Union and newly independent Poland when the bloodshed ceased. The Soviets defeated one Ukrainian army, the Poles another. Ukrainians thus became the largest national minority in both the Soviet Union and Poland. With time, most Ukrainian political parties in Poland reconciled themselves to Polish statehood. The Ukrainian Military Organization, however, formed of Ukrainian veterans in Poland, followed the movement that sought to change the boundaries of Europe: fascism. With Benito Mussolini, who came to power in 1922 in Italy, as their model, they mounted a number of failed assassination attempts on Polish politicians.By the time the Ukrainian Military Organization became the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), in 1929, a younger generation was dominant. Young terrorists such as Stepan Bandera were formed not by the prewar empires, but by fascist ideology and the experience of national discrimination in Poland. In the 1920s the Polish authorities had closed Ukrainian schools and ignored Poland’s promise to provide for Ukrainian national autonomy. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, as a new Polish government sought reconciliation with its five million Ukrainian citizens, Ukrainian nationalists acted decisively to prevent any compromise settlement. Bandera was one of the main organizers of terror campaigns intended to prevent Ukrainians from accepting the Polish government by provoking Polish retaliation. The main targets of their assassination attempts were Ukrainians and Poles who wished to work together. The OUN assassinated the leading advocate of Ukrainian-Polish rapprochement, Tadeusz Holówko, in his sanatorium bed. They also sought (but failed) to kill Henryk Józewski, who was implementing a policy of national concessions to Ukrainians in Poland.Stepan Bandera on a 2009 postage stamp commemorating the 100th anniversary of his birthBandera and his fellow Ukrainian nationalists were aware of the far greater repressions on the Soviet side of the border, where far more Ukrainians lived; given the effectiveness of the Soviet secret police, however, they could only act within Poland. They did nevertheless react to Josif Stalin’s deliberate starvation of millions of peasants in Soviet Ukraine in 1933. Bandera was probably involved in planning the revenge assassination of a Soviet diplomat in Poland late that year. Ukrainian nationalists hoped to use the trial of the young Ukrainian who carried out the assassination as a forum to spread the news of the famine, but Polish authorities did not allow this. Ukrainian nationalists (and many other Ukrainians in Poland and elsewhere) were embittered by the failure of the west to respond to the mass death in the USSR. 1933 was also the year when Hitler took power in Germany. Bandera and other Ukrainian nationalists saw the Nazis as the only power that could destroy both of their oppressors, Poland and the Soviet Union. OUN activists were in contact with German military intelligence.In June 1934, the OUN assassinated Bronislaw Pieracki, the Polish minister of internal affairs, when he began to negotiate with moderate Ukrainian groups in Poland. For his part in organizing the murder, Bandera was sentenced to death—commuted to life imprisonment–-in January 1936. He was released from prison when the Germans invaded Poland in September 1939, and now sought to bring the OUN under his own command. Instead, it split into two factions, with Bandera commanding the more radical, known as the OUN-Bandera or OUN-B.Bandera was active in a time and place where violence was very practicable, but where the chances that it would lead to Ukrainian national independence were minimal. His followers fell ever further into the maelstrom of violence on the eastern front, without thereby creating a Ukrainian state. The Germans did destroy Poland in 1939, as the Ukrainian nationalists had hoped; and they tried to destroy the Soviet Union in 1941. When the Wehrmacht invaded the Soviet Union that June, they were joined by the armies of Hungary, Romania, Italy, and Slovakia, as well as small contingents of Ukrainian volunteers associated with the OUN-B. Some of these Ukrainian nationalists helped the Germans to organize murderous pogroms of Jews. In so doing, they were advancing a German policy, but one that was consistent with their own program of ethnic purity, and their own identification of Jews with Soviet tyranny.Ukrainian nationalist political goals, however, were not identical with Hitler’s. In June 1941, supporters of Bandera declared independence for a Ukrainian state, while promising cooperation with Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler was not interested in Ukrainian independence on these or any terms, and eventually had most of the leadership of the OUN-B arrested. Bandera himself was incarcerated in Berlin and then in the camp at Sachsenhausen. Like other east European nationalists of stature, he was being held in reserve for some future contingency when he might be useful to the Nazis.Bandera was still in the German camp at Sachsenhausen, and without influence, when his group took command of a partisan army in early 1943. As the tide turned against the Germans at the Battle of Stalingrad, Ukrainians who had served the Germans as auxiliary policemen left the German service and went into the forest. Among their duties as policemen had been the mass killing of west Ukrainian Jews. These Ukrainians, some of them members of the OUN-B, formed the core of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (or UPA), which declared itself against both the existing German occupation and the coming Soviet one. Two leaders of Bandera’s organization, Mykola Lebed’ and Roman Shukhevych, brought the UPA under the control of the OUN-B.Their command, the UPA undertook to ethnically cleanse western Ukraine of Poles in 1943 and 1944. UPA partisans murdered tens of thousands of Poles, most of them women and children. Some Jews who had taken shelter with Polish families were also killed. Poles (and a few surviving Jews) fled the countryside, controlled by the UPA, to the towns, controlled by the Germans. Those who survived formed self-defense organizations, or joined the German police (replacing the Ukrainians) or the Soviet partisans who were fighting against the UPA. In all of these conflicts Poles took revenge on Ukrainian civilians. The UPA, for that matter, probably killed as many Ukrainians as it did Poles, since it regarded people who did not adhere to its own brand of nationalism as traitors.After the Red Army drove the Germans from Ukraine in summer 1944, the UPA engaged Soviet forces in large-scale partisan war. In late 1944 the Germans released Bandera from Sachsenhausen, and he considered returning to Ukraine. His fellow Ukrainian nationalists dissuaded him from doing so, on the ground that he was too valuable as a symbol of the struggle and should not risk his life. Meanwhile thousands of Ukrainians died fighting for independence under his name. No other underground force resisted the Soviets for as long as the UPA, or caused such losses. By the end of the 1940s, however, the Soviets prevailed, having killed more than a hundred thousand Ukrainians, and deported many more to Siberia. If Soviet counts are reliable, Ukrainian nationalists suffered more mortal casualties fighting communist rule than did the US Army in the Korean and Vietnam wars combined.It is this legacy of sacrifice that many in western Ukraine today associate with Bandera, and do not wish to be forgotten. The UPA also fought on the Polish side of the border, resisting a Polish communist regime there that was deporting Ukrainians from their homeland. Many people who joined the UPA in both the Soviet Union and communist Poland did so after the war, in self-defense, and took no part in the earlier murder campaigns. As the Cold War began, some OUN-B members and UPA fighters were recruited by British and American intelligence, and then dropped by parachute in doomed missions across the Soviet border. Soviet and Polish communists, having consolidated their rule by the late 1940s, demonized the OUN and the Ukrainian partisans as “German-Ukrainian fascists,” a characterization accurate enough to serve as enduring and effective propaganda both within and without the Soviet Union. Bandera himself remained in Germany after the war, a leading figure in the fractious milieu of Ukrainian nationalists in Munich. He remained faithful to the idea of a fascist Ukraine until assassinated by the KGB in 1959.Fascism never had a significant influence in eastern and central Ukraine, and was only important in west Ukrainian political life in the very special circumstances of World War II and the partisan war against Soviet power, when terrorists with underground experience enjoyed a natural advantage. Nevertheless, Bandera is associated with a certain alternative history of the country, one which is beyond the reach of Russia and the Soviet Union. Bandera was born in the Habsburg monarchy rather than the Russian Empire, and his movement arose in Poland rather than the Soviet Union. These lands only became part of the Soviet Union as a result of World War II. Ukrainian nationalists from this region believed that they were taking part in a larger European movement, and they were right. The recovery from fascist ideology in southern, central, and western Europe took place only after World War II, in circumstances of American occupation and prosperity. For many people in western Ukraine, the triumphant westward march of the Red Army through their homeland was not so much a liberation as the beginning of another occupation, Soviet after Polish and German. The UPA was the only hope for national self-defense.This is one telling of Ukrainian history, but it is not the dominant one. Yushchenko was soundly defeated in the first round of the presidential elections, perhaps in some measure because far more Ukrainians identify with the Red Army than with nationalist partisans from western Ukraine. Bandera was burned in effigy in Odessa after he was named a hero; even his statue in west Ukrainian Lviv, erected by city authorities in 2007, was under guard during the election campaign. For Yushchenko, who is not a west Ukrainian, the embrace of Bandera was part of a more general attempt to distance Ukraine from the legacy of Stalinism. As everyone who is interested in the history of Soviet Ukraine knows, from Vladimir Putin in Moscow to Ukrainian nationalist emigrants in Toronto, partisans fighting under Bandera’s name resisted the imposition of Stalinist rule with enormous determination. Thus there seems to be a certain binary political logic to Yushchenko’s decision: to glorify Bandera is to reject Stalin and to reject any pretension from Moscow to power over Ukraine.Consistent as the rehabilitation of Bandera might be with the ideological competition of the mid-twentieth century, it makes little ethical sense today. Yushchenko, who praised the recent Kiev court verdict condemning Stalin for genocide, regards as a hero a man whose political program called for ethnic purity and whose followers took part in the ethnic cleansing of Poles and, in some cases, in the Holocaust. Bandera opposed Stalin, but that does not mean that the two men were entirely different. In their struggle for Ukraine, we see the triumph of the principle, common to fascists and communists, that political transformation sanctifies violence. It was precisely this legacy that east European revolutionaries seemed to have overcome in the past thirty years, from the Solidarity movement in Poland of 1980 through the Ukrainian presidential elections of 2005. It was then, during the Orange Revolution, that peaceful demonstrations for free and fair elections brought Yushchenko the presidency. In embracing Bandera as he leaves office, Yushchenko has cast a shadow over his own political legacy.zdroj: TIMOTHY SNYDER, THE NEW YORK REVIEW BOOKS, 2010 |
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#30309 Tedy zase a zase jen další lži, manipulace, atd.....2015-01-06 - Demonstranti v Kyjevě podle Zemana volali Smrt Židům. Záznamy to ale nedokládají Zeman vlastně nedělá nic jiného než lže. Co je ale horší, lhal především v době jeho předvolební a před předvolební kampaně, tedy kampaně, kdy neměl založen Volební účet. a to přesto, že Zákon o volbě prezidenta nepřipouští žádnou kampaň do doby, než je založen Volební účet a explicitně zapovídá kandidátům lhaní. Věc je velmi vážná, Zeman evientně masivně porušoval Zákon o volbě prezidenta republiky a přesto nejvyšší správní soud toto neshledal důvodem jej vyřeadit z voleb. Rozhodnutí soudu je podivné a je možné, že bylo "někým" ovlivněno, stejně jako Zemanovo lhaní manipulovalo velmi podivně s veřejným míněním o něm, jeho týmu, historii této země atd. Dnes jsou jeho lži neprosto evidentní a zdokumentované dokonce už i jeho voliči mu vlastně nevěří co říká a to je věc velmi vážná, neboť výše uvedeným způsobem zneužívají volební zákony náckové a komunisté obecně zločinci, kteří chtějí získat moc a tu dále zneužívat nejen dalším lhaním. |
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#30310 Re:2015-01-06 08:06Děkujeme soudruhům z FSB a jejich satrapům za podnětné deziformace. |
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#30311 Text z The Guardian - a řekl bych, že tento opravdu Tymothy Snyder napsal ruský švábe2015-01-06 08:07Violence is a distraction from the simple facts, and propaganda turns distraction into abstraction, people into symbols – and all the more now as Russian intervention in Ukraine grows ever more extensive and threatening. Consider the threat made by the Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, that it would "respond" if Russian citizens in Ukraine are harmed. Yet who are these citizens? There are speakers of Russian in Ukraine, but they are not Russian citizens any more than I, a speaker of English, am a British subject. There are people who identify as Russian – about a seventh of the population – but they are no more Russian citizens than Quebecois are citizens of France. Dual citizenship in Ukraine is not permitted. So the answer to the riddle is: the Russian citizens in Ukraine are the soldiers of the Russian special forces who are already there. To push the logic a little further, one could say that Lavrov has finally admitted that the soldiers without insignia, whom the Ukrainians call "little green men", are Russian soldiers, since he had raised the possibility that they could be harmed. In the information war no one is hurt more than the Jews, since mobilising the global memory of the Holocaust has real costs for actual people. From the very beginning of the revolution, they were an object of Russian propaganda. The current Ukrainian government, we were told, was composed of antisemites, fascists, and Nazis. Russian intervention was required, went the argument, to rescue the Jews of Ukraine. This version was peddled to the west, where it had some effect, but interestingly it failed entirely in Ukraine itself. Putin seems to have believed that Jewish people in Ukraine would identify with Russia, especially in times of threat. This was one of his many mistakes. Ukrainian Jews, especially those from the major communities of Kiev and Dnipropetrovsk, made clear to me that they had no desire to be protected by Russia. Jews in Ukraine understand Russia far better than anyone in the west Jewish or otherwise.. But this is not just a matter of a more accurate sense of threat from the outside. It is also a sense of being inside. Many and probably most Jews have moved towards a distinct identity of their own over the 25 years of Ukrainian independence, a trend that has accelerated dramatically in recent months. The Jews of Kiev generally sided with the protesters of the Maidan, and indeed were present in the protests from beginning to end. When the Viktor Yanukovych regime tried to install a dictatorship in January, Jews were among those who resisted violence with violence. There was even a Jewish fighting unit, or sotnia. Ukrainian Jews returned from Israel and applied their Israeli Defence Forces training. Ukrainian Jews in Israel sent messages of support by social media, and challenged one-sided coverage of the protests in the Israeli press. When the Yanukovych regime, under Russian pressure, carried out a sniper massacre of the protesters in February, one of the people shot was a Ukrainian Jew. On the Maidan itself, a Ukrainian artist of Jewish origin created an extraordinary sculpture called the Wall. Today, in the tentative new order, Jews are present in Ukrainian public life. One is a deputy prime minister, another, Ihor Kolomoisky, is governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region. He returned from a perfectly secure life in Switzerland to take responsibility for an east Ukrainian territory at the edge of Russian aggression. He clearly relishes the challenge, deliberately adopting symbols of Ukrainian nationalism as his own, deriding Vladimir Putin as a "schizophrenic of short stature", and offering a bounty for captured "little green men" – who, thus far anyway, seem to be steering clear of his territory. Yet the greater point is not that all Jews supported the Ukrainian revolution. Mykhailo Dobkin, perhaps the most prominent pro-Russian politician in Ukraine, is Jewish. But he, like his political opposite Kolomoisky, is an active and powerful figure in civil life, no victim and no symbol. When presidential elections take place next month, it is unlikely many Jews will vote for the Jewish candidate. The commitment of the vast majority of Ukrainian Jews to Ukrainian independence is a matter of civic, rather than ethnic, identification. Reducing Jews to their ethnicity is the first step towards making them a collective symbol in a propaganda story, in a situation where those who use the most violence get to tell the story first. Whichever side they are taking, Jews in Ukraine defy every day our reflexive assumption that Jewish minorities in eastern Europe are nothing more than tomorrow's headlines, the future victims of some greater power. Jews can be victims, of course, and if the Russian invasion continues they likely will be, along with the Roma and the Crimean Tatars who are already suffering where Russian troops control Ukrainian territory, along with Ukrainians and everyone else. The pamphlet released last week in an area under Russian control, asking all Jews to register with the separatist authorities – although later widely described as a provocation – understandably raised fears. The history of the Holocaust demonstrates that few things are more risky for Jews than the destruction of state institutions and the rule of law, which is openly the goal and the consequence of Russian policy. Jews in the parts of Donetsk and Luhansk, where Russia is in control, can no longer count on the predictability of the rule of law. The immediate consequence of the Russian intervention has been gangsterism. The intervention in Ukraine distracted us from a good many important things. One is the reality of the revolution: a mass movement pursuing classical revolutionary goals that actually succeeded in dethroning a kleptocrat. Another is the disaster of a Russian foreign policy which, in pressuring the former Ukrainian regime to do more and more, got an outcome that was exactly the opposite of what Russian leaders wanted: pluralism and elections. But above all, what we have missed is the way in which the experience of revolution and counter-revolution has allowed people to reconsider their identity. Jews of Ukraine have become Ukrainian Jews.
• This article was amended on Sunday 27 April 2014 to clarify that the pamphlet released last week may not be genuine |
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#30312 uz se nechceme nikdy vracet !!!2015-01-06 08:09.Stare poradky CSSR, RVHP uz se nikdy nesmi vratit a ani novym poradkum a la Rusko-Euroasijsky Sojuz ci nova pridruzena autonomni republika CLR nedovolime v zarodku aby se tu neco takoveho objevilo.At zije demokracie, svoboda a jsme radi v nasi Evrope. ...Už se nechceme nikdy vracet Tam kde nám bylo nám bylo mizerně |
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#30313 Rusko včera zkracovalo o mírných 4,5 % :-)2015-01-06 08:12....ruské bony uzavřaly na pro Rusko úžasných 61,8 za dolar, amerika ještě sladce spinká, ale soudružka pepina v centrální bance CCCP již připravuje další miliardy dolarů na intervence, které opět budou účinné tak, že ruské bony opět přijdou o dalších 4,5 % :-) |
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#303142015-01-06 08:17Klaus a Zeman jsou největší lumpové našich novodobých dějin, zničili všechny naše naděje, které se zrodily v revolučních dnech roku 1989 |
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#30315 Re: Text z The Guardian - a řekl bych, že tento opravdu Tymothy Snyder napsal ruský švábe2015-01-06 08:19#30311: - Text z The Guardian - a řekl bych, že tento opravdu Tymothy Snyder napsal ruský švábe ten sa ale vyzná, naozaj vystihol "význam"revolúcie" , radšej keby sa venoval historickému významu OUN, aj keď aj tu je jasne ideologicky nasmerovaný, úplne fakty poprieť nemôže One is the reality of the revolution: a mass movement pursuing classical revolutionary goals that actually succeeded in dethroning a kleptocrat. :-D
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#30316 Re:2015-01-06 08:27Komunisté a velmi pravdděpodobní KGBáci KLaus a Zeman jsou skutečně dle mého zločinci, ale naději, myslím, zničit nelze. Řekl bych, že potom, co si Mynář začíná vybírat "investice" do Zemana a Zeman je usvědčován z jedné lži za druhou, Klause už odmítají i vskutku obskurní spolky v demokratických zemích, je naopak velkou nadějí, že jejich konec se radikálně přiblížil. Uvídíme co přinese tento týden, jak Mynář bude vysvětlovat onen nákup, jak se k němu postaví policie, finanční úřad, neboť daň z převodu nemovitosti se sice platí z ceny "kupní", ale jen tehdy pokud tato je vyšší než cena "znalecká". Tedy vše může dostat velmi rychlý spád. "Od ledna se změnila terminologie, nově se místo daně z převodu nemovitosti používá "daň z nabytí nemovitých věcí". A také způsob určení základu daně, čili hodnoty, ze které se daň zaplatí. Ta se nyní nazývá "nabývací hodnota". A aby toho nebylo málo, nabývací hodnota je opět buď kupní cena (sjednaná), nebo takzvanásrovnávací daňová hodnota. A nové pojmy nekončí. "Srovnávací daňová hodnota je buď částka odpovídající 75 procentům takzvané směrné hodnoty, což je obvyklá cena nemovitosti stanovená správcem daně, nebo částka odpovídající 75 procentům zjištěné ceny, tedy té podle znaleckého posudku," vysvětluje nelehké pojmy Petr Frisch ze společnosti Pro Factum Consulting a myslí si, že většina poplatníků odhodí daňové zákony a vydá se na finanční úřad poprosit správce daně o pomoc. Kterou hodnotu použít k výpočtu daně? Opět tu vyšší.
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#30317 Re: Kam vlastně "vyšuměla" Kmoníčkova kampaň, že Zeman není ruský šváb?2015-01-06 08:30#30283: - Kam vlastně "vyšuměla" Kmoníčkova kampaň, že Zeman není ruský šváb? Kéž by to tak bylo. Až se mi tají dech. |
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#30318 Re: Re: Text z The Guardian - a řekl bych, že tento opravdu Tymothy Snyder napsal ruský švábe2015-01-06 08:31#30315: - Re: Text z The Guardian - a řekl bych, že tento opravdu Tymothy Snyder napsal ruský švábe Vaše bláboly, vytrhávání z kontextu, manipualce s fakty, lži, nesmysly, propagaci ruského švába, nemá skutečně smysl komentovat. Komisticko nacistická Slovenská zrůdo ne nepodbá zrůdě s jménem Miloš Zeman. |
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#303192015-01-06 08:36Škoda, že už před lety hlavní tunelář Václav Klaus nebyl souzený pro výstrahu všem jeho následovníkům, zlodějům..... Klaus měl být odsouzen za ekonomický a morální rozklad naší republiky |
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#30320 Re: Re: Kam vlastně "vyšuměla" Kmoníčkova kampaň, že Zeman není ruský šváb?2015-01-06 08:37#30317: - Re: Kam vlastně "vyšuměla" Kmoníčkova kampaň, že Zeman není ruský šváb? Uvidíme, věci se nejspíš velmi hýbou. Zpravodajci se scházejí s vládou, Miloš Ubu je usvědčován z jedné lži za druhou. Dnes dokonce již ani Ovčáček nesnaží ony lži nějak dramaticky omlouvat či s faktem, že je to lež manipulovat. Pomalu se jim začal prostor úplně uzavírat. Podstatný je i milník Mynář, který skutečně pravděpodobně vybírá "investice", které do Zeman věnoval v podobě nákupu nemovitosti od právníka Janouška za směšnou cenu pro danou lokalitu. Jistě se na to nezaměří jen policie, ale také Finanční úřad, NBÚ a celou věc pravděpodobně intenzivně šetří i BIS, která možná celou věc pustila záměrně medíím. Řekl bych, že se dosta věcí dozvíme do pátku a mnohem více do konce měsíce. Pokud přijde podobný milník, např. "vyřešení" či "nevyřešení" milonů Lukoilu, které dluží státu, tedy jak pro Lukoil dobře i špatně, bude to znamenat, že se věci pohnuly a konec Zemanovy zločinecké bandy je v dohledu. Může ale také přijít přesný opak, pokud by Mynář i potom co předvedl získal bezpečnostní prověrku, pak by věci byly opravdu velmi velmi vážné a znamenalo by to pro občany jediné, že musí masově do ulic, aby vůbec zachránili zbytky demokracie. |
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#30321 Zeman2015-01-06 08:40Zeman Čtěte www. Zabere to trochu času, ale stojí za to vědět kdo je kdo v byznysu a politice a jaké byly a jsou vazby mezi aktéry. VAROVÁNÍ ! Je to pouze pro otrlé, kterým to neznechutí další život. Slabší povahy by to neměly zkoušet. Může na ně padnout těžký splín a někteří by také mohli začít chlastat alkohol ve větším než malém množství. Hodně štěstí v tomto r. 2015 (a na konci t.r. snad bez Zemana). |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#30322 Re: Re: Re: Kam vlastně "vyšuměla" Kmoníčkova kampaň, že Zeman není ruský šváb?2015-01-06 08:42#30320: - Re: Re: Kam vlastně "vyšuměla" Kmoníčkova kampaň, že Zeman není ruský šváb? Toto je jedna ze zpráv, která není vůbec dobrá: Aktuáílně: Sněmovna proplatila Filipovu cestu do Moskvy. Stála 44 tisícZnamená to bohužel, že předsedou Sněmonvy je skutečně zločinec, neboť to byl právě Hamáček, který mu cestu velmi podivně schválil a celé to vůbec nedokázal vysvětlit. Pokud tedy i přesto, že poslanci hlasovali proti přímo ve Sněmovně nikoliv na výboru je cestra proplacena, znamená to, že je ve Sněmovně velmi vážný problém a Hamáček svou roli nejen nezvládá, ale je možné, že jde na ruku zločincům. |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#30323 Re: Zeman2015-01-06 08:43Snad daleko dříve. Myslím si, že Zeman na oslavy v květnu již neodjede. |
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#30324 Re: Re: Kam vlastně "vyšuměla" Kmoníčkova kampaň, že Zeman není ruský šváb?2015-01-06 08:47#30317: - Re: Kam vlastně "vyšuměla" Kmoníčkova kampaň, že Zeman není ruský šváb? S Mynářem a jeho nákupem jak jinak se to začíná velmi komplikkovat a to je také velmi dobře. LN:Rok 2005: Praha prodává vilu za 8,2 milionu. Rok 2014: Mynář ji kupuje za 5,5
Nepřihlášený uživatel |
#30325 I toto je velmi zásadní věcí a velmi dobrou zprávou, Miloš Zeman nedělá nic jiného, než že....2015-01-06 08:52...relativizuje hodnoty. Poslat bývalé a dokonce současného komunistů na post velvyslance do Ruska je jeden z jeho nejopodrnějších viditelných zločinů, kterých se dopustil po vstku na Hrad, nepochybuji o tom, že páchá zločiny pro veřejnost neviditlné, např. předávání utajovaných skutečností států do Ruska. Tedy je dobře, že jinde s lidé o hodnoty berou a mají úspěch. Je to velice důležité pro budoucnost. HN: Studenti architektury, kteří 25 let čekali na soud, chtějí od státu omluvu Tři bývalí studenti architektury z Brna, o jejichž kritice učitele pronesené krátce po listopadu 1989 rozhodovaly české soudy skoro čtvrtstoletí, chtějí po státu odškodnění a omluvu za zásah do důstojnosti a dobré pověsti. Napsala to v úterý Mladá fronta Dnes (MfD). Omluvu po studentech žádal u soudů jejich bývalý pedagog a funkcionář KSČ Jan Snášel, definitivně v jejich prospěch rozhodl až Ústavní soud loni v říjnu. "Je to úplně zásadní. Česká republika připustila, abychom byli léta vláčeni po soudech v pozici žalovaných. Byla neustále zpochybňována naše aktivita a tím i celá revoluce. Nás všech se to velmi silně dotýkalo," řekl deníku jeden z bývalých studentů Martin Laštovička. |
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